Джиллиан светится и улыбается, как солнышко
Виктория, спасибо!
Сообщений 161 страница 170 из 227
Поделиться16120-08-09 00:16:10
Поделиться16220-08-09 00:47:04
Но видно, что устала: то-ли с дороги, то-ли ещё до этого перелёта.
Поделиться16320-08-09 11:30:15
Видео с красной дорожки: http://www.sarajevo-x.com/kultura/sff/clanak/090819117
Интервью Джилл:
И само интервью:
Ladies and gentlemen, in the next few moments we are expecting the greatest ovations here because here comes person known to the audience as Agent Scully. Gillian Anderson came to Sarajevo for Festival and as you can see caused huge enthusiasm. She'll join us in a couple of minutes.
I: It might be that motto of X files is "The truth is out there", but Gillian Anderson is with us in Sarajevo.
G: Yes, sure.
I: Welcome, thank you for coming here.
G: Thank you, it's wonderful to be here. I had no idea your city is so beautiful.
Now he says something as he is pointing to reporters....kind of in next few minutes they'll "eat you alive" (ok last part was me)
I: Gillian, I looooved Dana Scully. 11 years of series, after that a movie, was it hard for you to distance yourself from label?
G: Yes, it was hard cause people got used to certain character, certain roll, and I had to try really hard, it took a lot of time to convince people I can do something else too. But, I got myself into all that mess.
I: Today on press conference (just question me jet-legged, it wasn't a conference you moron) you mentioned that you'll produce and act, is that the way your carrier will look like in the future?
G. (she says something about finding a producer (at least it's the way it's translated, but if she is the one, then she doesn't need it, right?)) It's all kind of in first faze (now talking about Gellmorn probably )) , because I produced children's programs, actually I produced children and that took a lot of time, but there are a few things on which I worked for the last couple of years and I enjoy doing all of it.
I: And my last question is related to lecture that you'll give, do you have any specific theme...
G: Actually, it's me. The lecture is all about me. (kidding) Sometimes it's best thing first to understand what audience wants to hear and start with answers to questions cause that way people are getting what they wanted , and you can't really presume what they would really want to hear. It's more about them than lecture itself.
Enjoy in audience (haha), city....thank you....
Поделиться16420-08-09 11:47:26
Фоток ну очень много, с ума сойти их все постить Вот тут:
http://dnevnik.hr/showbizz/film-tv/mamu … ml#gallery
http://www.hotgirlsinhollywood.com/2009 … -19-2-hqs/
Поделиться16520-08-09 15:06:07
Это сегодня уже
Отредактировано Виктория (20-08-09 15:29:02)
Поделиться16720-08-09 20:34:12
*С ума сойти* - это ты верно заметила. И все классные - она отлично выглядит. Интересно, в чём секрет такого скорого перевоплощения: из уставшей в свеженькую как огурчик...
Поделиться16820-08-09 20:58:38
Мне вот интересно, это оригинальный звук у ролика, или кто-то из *добрых* людей наложил.... Сдаётся мне, второе А так хотелось бы посмотреть нормальное видео с оригинальным звуком
Поделиться17020-08-09 21:52:09
И здесь ещё: http://www.mitchpileggi.net/Gillian_And … efault.htm
Отредактировано Виктория (20-08-09 22:47:13)