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Счастливчики.  :hobo: 2 месяца концертов в моём городе - я бы умерла от счастья :D


И не говори :'( Вообще тяжело представить, чтоб со мной было, увидь так её в двух шагах от себя...
http://s61.radikal.ru/i174/0905/49/1d435a8dc814t.jpg http://s40.radikal.ru/i088/0905/09/f6af938248f0t.jpg http://s48.radikal.ru/i121/0905/40/18cb9294c3c1t.jpghttp://s61.radikal.ru/i174/0905/b0/cc00c03cbbe4t.jpg

Отредактировано Виктория (15-05-09 17:11:25)


Glo написал(а):

Ok here goes.

First of all, the acting: OH * MY * GOD. We all know shes a great actress. We have all seen how she can pull off the most intense and convoluted emotions and take us right into her character. But guys, seeing it live, real time, all in 1 go, no space for errors in 2 hours of relentless mood swings, laughs, tears (TEARS, big fat ones!), adorable sillyness and even Flamenco dancing!! (yes, u heard me right!!)... it just kind of downs on u the incredible effort that goes into it, and just how truly fucking GENIUS she is at it. I mean, she completely shaddows everyone else on stage, and this is not just the fangirl perception! -everyone was saying it, there were even some drama students there with their teacher and they were all floored by her. She has a TOTALY commanding presence. And MAN was she just GLOWING! I was having the truly full on hots for her from the moment she walked onto the stage, and then THIS REALLY SAUCY SCENE STARTS AND OMG! *breathe, breathe Glo!* ..ok.

So this takes me to the second point, the looks: She really is tiny and so pale and skinny that she should look like the wind would blow her over any second... but NO. Theres this amazing aura of intensity about her... PREPOSSESSING, I think is the word. You can tell she probably gets people to do exactly as she says all the time, shes just so... assertive. She looks at people straight in the eye and its like she takes possession. Honestly, it was the weirdest feeling, I felt like she could see straight through me, the intensity of that look... OMG I can't explain it. OMG THOSE EYES!!! They are HUGE and watery, and the shade of blue is just so incredibly light.. electric! As u can see in the pics she came out like her usual messy self :laugh: Hair all over the place, no makeup (ahhh the freckles!!), really down to earth... and yet she somehow just floated.

And finally, her manner: So so so incredibly nice! she was all smiles and just so warm and genuine. If people said something to her she actually listened and responded. I blurted out a 'you are amazing' kind of line and expected her to just carry on to the next person but she actually stopped and looked at me and said aw thank you and I don't know if its just coz shes so good at acting but it felt like she really really meant it. Also I gave her a Scully picture not knowing she was making a point not to sign anything XF (understandable) but she was really friendly about it and asked if I had anything else she could sign instead and waited while I fumbled in my bag like an idiot for the damn program. And MAN, she has no qualms about personal space at all! She gets so close to you, like right in your face! Maybe shes just so used to people gravitating towards her, I dunno.

Anyways, to those of you who are going... you guys have an amazing night ahead of you, those butterflies in your stomach are there for a good reason!! The ones who can't go  I so wish you could!

PS: Ok I just wanted to add, for the ppl who are going: When the play finishes, if you really like it, MAKE SURE YOU STAND UP WHEN YOU CLAP!! It doesn't matter if noone else does, don't be shy! I've heard a standing ovation makes a HUGE difference to the actors, and even if its just a few people, they will notice it! And its the least you can do after all the effort and concentration and the amazing quality of the performance!!

PPS: OMG I forgot to say how much I think u guys are gonna just *DIE* when you see how absolutely TINY that theatre is! Its like having Gilly acting in your living room!! If u r in stalls on the left hand side, on a couple of scenes u could literally touch her, no joke!


p.s. синхронно плывём, Виктория :D

Отредактировано NikitA (15-05-09 17:16:36)


NikitA написал(а):

синхронно плывём, Виктория

Ага :D
Офигенский отзыв!!


Единственное, не очень поняла: она не хотела подписывать фото со Скалли?


Виктория написал(а):

она не хотела подписывать фото со Скалли?

Да, у Джилл такое правило - она не подписывает картинки, связанные с Секретками во время своих спектаклей. И это правильно: ей важна оценка текущей работы, ведь тут она выкладывается не меньше. :)


Надо же, казалось бы, всё о ней знаю, а этой детали и не знала! Спасибо большое, NikitA, что рассказала! А это она где-то говорила об этом, да?
Ну, да, что важна оценка нынешней работы, но это ведь просто фотка для автографа... чем она показывает, что человеку не интересна эта роль или что она вообще имеет в виду не очень понимаю, к сожалению :( И только со Скалли не подписывает?

Отредактировано Виктория (15-05-09 19:19:33)


Виктория, при других обстоятельствах подписывает, наверное, но когда она выходит к народу после спектакля - естественно, ей не хочется, чтобы в ней видели только лишь Скалли.

Виктория написал(а):

А это она где-то говорила об этом, да?

Объявление висело у служебки, когда она играла в WTNIF и SSIB - на фотках любительских есть, но у меня они на дисках, ещё не всё в комп перекинула.


Хотелось бы мне подсмотреть, как Джилл фламенко танцует  :flirt:


NikitA, спасибо за разъяснения! Если вдруг наткнёшься на эту фотку случайно, выложи, пожалуйста :)

NikitA написал(а):

Хотелось бы мне подсмотреть, как Джилл фламенко танцует

О, да, я ещё когда пьесу читала, тоже об этом думала, будет ли она танцевать на сцене :love:

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