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LA Times

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David Duchovny

By Michael Ordoña

June 10, 2009

The confusion around "Californication" begins with its title.

"I didn't think the show was about sex, you know? I didn't want to lead with that," says star and executive producer David Duchovny, looking startlingly fit between takes on the series' Culver City set. "I thought the show is more about the heart of this family that he's trying to raise. We just couldn't come up with a better title. I blame myself. But I'd rather have a good show and a bad title than vice versa."

Despite perhaps putting the wrong foot forward, the Showtime series has garnered major nominations from the Screen Actors Guild, the British Academy of Tilm and Television Arts and the Golden Globes, at which Duchovny won a lead actor award as Hank Moody, the conflicted, smart-mouthed jerk and loyal, loving family man with the impulse control of a tumbleweed.

"There's this heart in the show that he's truly in love with this one woman and that he's a good parent, in a really horrible way. These are paradoxes that I thought were mature," says the Yale- and Princeton-educated Duchovny. "This was more adult, more articulate, less of a man-boy and more of a man. Comedy for grown-ups, starring a grown-up."

Hank is the unflatteringly candid picture of the romantic-turned-cynic, struggling to rebuild the family he let slip away with his estranged girlfriend, Karen (Natascha McElhone), and their daughter, Becca (a sullen teen captured to a T by Madeleine Martin). But ask those who didn't give "Californication" a chance and you'll probably get a curled lip and a description of a sexist show about a sex-addict writer who treats women like sex objects.

That's not this show.

"Separate 'sexist' from 'sex.' There's a lot of discussion about sex on the show, and I think people have a knee-jerk reaction: 'Oh, my God, that's sexist!' Duchovny says. "People kind of lose their minds as soon as they hear the word or prefix 'sex.' The fact that Charlie Runkle [Evan Handler] has so much sex is evidence that women are seen as very sympathetic creatures," he says, laughing, of Hank's less-than-studly agent who uses his handsome client as an enticing wingman.

"Hank's lack of respect is really for himself, not for anybody else. There's a line in the next episode that says, 'We're all grown-ups, there are no victims here.' It's not like anybody wakes up with Hank and he's a different guy than he was the night before."

One unnoticed, wry touch on the set of Hank's dining room is the presence of the book "The Myth of Male Power" -- the movers and shakers on the show tend to be the women, presenting the various magnetic poles that make Hank dance.

"If you look at the way he gets involved with women, he's very passive. It's like this despair comes over him; he can't go against whatever is flowing at the time," Duchovny says. "If he was a guy who was always on the make, it would be harder to cut him the slack. He's just kind of -- if he can't be with the one he loves, he's loving the one he's with."

Some of the actor's favorite moments on the series so far illustrate its range: from the naked and ridiculous to the emotionally naked and sublime. He still laughs when he sees an early-season scene of a drug-fueled romp between Hank and a friend of Karen's, which abruptly erupts into what he calls "the double-puke scene."

"But there's also a scene from the first season where I walk with Becca on the Venice canals and I sing Dylan's 'If You See Her, Say Hello' to her. It just really surprised me, the sentimentality that I liked very much about it. When you juxtapose it with the crudeness and the explicit nature of some of the other stuff, it just seems real and right."

So why does the show not have a bigger audience? It's possible the misguided title and tag lines (one implying the show is about a midlife crisis), and media descriptions inaccurately pegging Hank as a sex addict have blurred with tabloid headlines about Duchovny's personal struggles.

"I don't concern myself with people's perceptions of the show," he says, becoming visibly uncomfortable. "It's all very personal. The things that I do on the show have never had anything to do with my personal life. There has never been any kind of parallel that we've done."

There is still hope, as the show enters Season 3 with guest stars such as Kathleen Turner and Peter Gallagher, that it will come into focus for those who can't see the forest for the sleaze. "For the most part, I feel that we're a drama that doesn't know it's a comedy," said the star. "To me that feels right, that feels like life to me. Because we all think we're in a drama, but actually we're in a comedy."

http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/ne … 1125.story


Очень хорошее интервью. Спасибо, Mon. :)

Monday написал(а):

He's just kind of -- if he can't be with the one he loves, he's loving the one he's with.

Очень точная характеристика Хэнка. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/mini/good_mini.gif Молодец Дэвид!
--меня аж гордость берет, когда я такие его интервью читаю. :)  не просто исполняет то, что требует режиссер, а анализирует, понимает и наполняет жизнью персонаж. а то иногда читаю некоторые интервью западных звезд об их ролях ...тьфу...

Обидно, что Дэвиду так не нравится название шоу и то, как его позиционируют в масс-медиа. Насчет названия я всё же считаю, что это самый удачный вариант, который мог быть выбран для сериала с таким содержанием.
Но вот относительно второго... здесь можно понять Дэвида. В основе своей сериал очень драматичный и глубокий, а его преподносят как развлекательную комедию на тему секса "без купюр"; но что делать? - большинство зрителей интересуют только зрелища, да поскандальнее. человеческая природа, так всегда было и так всегда будет.
Однако создалось впечатление, что Дэвид совсем уныл. (( Так и хочется поспорить с ним, что далеко не все зрители смотрят шоу просто как смешной секс-марафон Хэнка. (

Отредактировано Белая Тигрица (11-06-09 21:18:53)


Monday, спасибо за интересное интервью!  :yep:  :love:


Хорошее интервью :yep: Хорошо бы его пускать перед каждой серией в качестве титров (ну знаете, типа, как "FBI Warrning" :D ). Ну, чтобы придать зрителю определённый настрой перед просмотром. Правильный настрой... :glasses:  :D

Спасибо, Monny! :)


Это фотки, оказывается, из этого издания, сделанные 12 мая 2009:




:O Мама дорогая! Какой красавЕц! :insane:  :love: Фотки отпадные! :love:

Спасибо, Вик! :)


Виктория написал(а):

Это фотки, оказывается, из этого издания, сделанные 12 мая 2009:

Из какого "этого"? LA Times?

По второй я уже оттащилась, но первая....  :love:  :insane:  :love:  Люди, шо творицца, теряю рассудок!!!  :love: Хотю 1-ю HQ - и на стол!!!  :'(  (Сколько я в последнее время всего на стол хочу, так мне надо 7 мониторов иметь :D)
ИМХО, из последних фотосессий это самая клёвая!  :cool:  :glasses:  Не просто встал - пофотали, а чувствуется постановка света, кадра...  :cool:  Ням-ням... раскозявилась. Пойду подышу  :insane:

Вик, спасибо!!!

Отредактировано Белая Тигрица (08-10-09 13:51:08)


Белая Тигрица написал(а):

Из какого "этого"? LA Times?



Как категорично.... :)

Эх. Это не промо-фотосессия, иначе фотки были бы везде и всюду, но и для печатного издания не верится, что было сделано всего 2 фотки.  :sceptic:  Жмотят, жмотят всё, что можно.  :mad:

Еще раз спасибо, Вик!  :cool:


Просто нет слов..  :love:  :love:  :love:
Виктория, спасибо!  :yep:

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